TOO OLD FOR THIS SH*T! – Episode 4

By / April 1, 2014 / News

Ladies, and Gentlemen.. Especially the ladies.

I’d like to present the fabulous duo trio that have taken over this site, and will now present you with some serious video game debauchery to look forward to on a regular basis..  It’s up to you to spread the word about our Gaming Bliss! You can keep an eye on our twitter feeds @JasonZumwalt@ohvaquer @StevenOgg – Subscribe yourself and your friends to us on .. Well what are you waiting for.. A game of bowling. Get going and watch our video ! ! Multitask, I know you can do it!


About Author

Jason Zumwalt

I am Jason Zumwalt.. Formerly known as Roman Bellic from GTA IV. Unfortunately, I'm trapped in a hatch under the Ocean in GTA V.

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