Rockstar’s street brawler game based on the cult film classic The Warriors is back and ready to kick buts on the PlayStation Store. The Warriors is now officially available to download from the PlayStation Store for $9.99 / €9.99 / £7.99. Rockstar Games. Experience a return to the arcade tradition of street brawler beat-em-ups… [read more]
Greeting all, Thanks for keeping up with us. I’m finally getting back to our round of Max Payne Avatar Friends. The one year anniversary of MAX PAYNE 3. With questions and answers from our Avatar Friends in the Rockstar Games community… I connected with Dave Wheeler recently. He’s a DJ, nice guy, Max Payne 3 Avatar,… [read more]
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Rockstar Games just announced a Special Edition and a Collecter’s Edition for Grand Theft Auto V that will hit shelves together with the standard edition of the game this fall! The Collector’s Edition will retail for $149.99, while the Special Edition will retail for $79.99. All versions are now available for pre-order until September 17, 2013 while supplies… [read more]
GTA: V Special and Collectors Editions Announced: Starting today you can begin the pre-order process for GTA: V Special Edition and Collectors Edition from the official site. If you take advantage of these pre-orders by September 17th you will be given exclusive access to pilot the Atomic Blimp in-game vehicle! Full details below: The Grand Theft… [read more]
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It looks like after Max Payne 3 the man himself started to write hit songs to make a living. On the Wikipedia page of the current Pitbull and Christina Aguilera hitsong: “Feel This Moment” Max Payne is credited as one of the 13 (thirteen!) writers of the song. This, of course, is a probably a joke by somebody… [read more]
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We received this great tribute to Grand Theft Auto III made by Max Nolan. Thanks Max! Keep on paying those tributes! Have you created something awesome related to Rockstar Games? Submit it right here! He adds. I’ve been obsessing with gta and I just wanted to make a final, grand tribute to the third installment. It’s… [read more]
To continue our celebration.. Yes, it’s one long party. Nobody goes home until the snacks are gone, the cupboards are bare and that’s how the Broken Whiskey Bottles party.. We party until we have emptied every bottle.. But fortunately we’ve stocked up on everything and have a delivery coming to keep us full and happy for awhile~! I’ve… [read more]
Rockstar has just announced that classic title, Manhunt will be coming to the Playstation Network next week. This isn’t their only classic that is in the store, Bully Red Dead Revolver, Grand Theft Auto, and Midnight Club franchise are all on the store already. The game will be on sale for $9.99 / €9.99 / £7.99…. [read more]
Continuing our Celebration of 1 year of Max Payne 3. I’ve reached out to Hamish M. Who fought vigilantly win the Twitter feed for Rockstar’s attention in the fan casting to be an avatar in Max Payne 3. (http://www.rockstargames.com/maxpayne3/casting) He took this pretty serious and was excited that he got the opportunity to place him… [read more]
Last year I did a Q&A with some of the winners from the casting of the Max Payne 3 from Rockstargames.com Based on the fans from this pick. (http://www.rockstargames.com/maxpayne3/casting). It was pretty cool that the majority responded to our inquiry for a Q&A, and I’ve remained in touch with them. Since most of Rockstar’s Games are focused toward the fans,… [read more]
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