Music Monday – FIDLAR

By / July 28, 2014 / Music, News

Fueled by Cheap Beer, Cocaine and West Coast Carnivorous Girls! FIDLAR wants you to play them at your college party!! We’ll they did not say it themselves but, the music just screams PARTY!!! FIDLAR is uncensored fun! So if you’re under 16, chances are your parents won’t appreciate you playing this loudly from your father’s home stereo system.. or anything else loud around the home! So if you’re ready, let’s get this party started. Oh, and if you have not figured it out yet, RSN is intended for 18 and over. Should you have a problem with this, don’t blame us, we warned you!

Born from the sands of California’s dried up in ground pools and contained within the 4 walls of a bedroom, FIDLAR aims to disturb the neighbors in an effort to let them know how much they like music… FIDLAR’s name is actually an acronym for “Fuck It Dog, Life’s A Risk!” The Group is composed of a motley group of other Skaters, combining the talents of its members Elvis Kuehn on guitar and vocals.  Max Kuehn beats the drums until the skins are raw for the group. The two are sons of Greg Kuehn who plays keyboard for the band “Long Beach punk legends” AKA T.S.O.L…  Zac Carper is Front vocals and guitar, he’s also the son of famed surfboard designer John Carper.. Tie them together with with bassist Brandon Schwartzel, the half cousin of Elvis and Max, the four have a noise that’s truly a Skate Punks dream band! They’ve been making noise since 2009, and still have not changed their mantra! 


The Song Featured in GTA V has a video you can’t feature on your screen unless you login to Youtube and can confirm you’re over 18… But whatever! You all know what a man part looks like right!

WARNING THIS MUSIC IS NOT SAFE FOR WORK! Or possibly small animals!!

FIDLAR put this really… MMm how should I put this…. How about an awesome/funny, yet offensive video together with the help of Nick Offerman known for his breakout role as Ron Swanson in the NBC sitcom Parks and Recreation, in which he received the Television Critics Award for Individual Achievement in Comedy….  

In the video a Phone number is featured from a text message to Nick. The number is supposedly Justin Bieber’s real phone number. (Probably changed by now) The band did this as  jab at Bieber due to some past grievances. So when Nick smashes the phone after reading “Your Friend” – “Shit” – “AutoCorrect” – “You’re FIRED” .. There’s a clever jab left there too. Well Played Fidler on that “Fired” Message! 

(Caution, this video features a fake or real Penial member?? Either way it’s uncensored nudity. -_-


Catch more about FIDLAR on their website |


About Author

Chicago Enigma

Rockstar Games Fan since GTA2 .. Following, playing and participating more actively in the community since 2008/09.

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