According to a recent post published on the Rockstar Games newswire, GTA Online players are in for a pleasant surprise in the form of GTA$ and rebates. Due to “2017’s population growth,” any player who signs in to GTA Online between February 16th and 26th will receive a bonus of 250,000 GTA$. Additionally, any purchases made during… [read more]
Yesterday, various gaming sites like Gamereactor and IGN started posting previews of GTA V for new gen, these we’re especially centered on a new feature that’s been rumored but not confirmed- Until now. For the first time ever in Grand Theft Auto history we’ll be able to play the game fully in 1st person mode…. [read more]
Rockstar just announced across their social networks that players that have been playing GTA V on Playstation 3 and and Xbox 360 will be rewarded indeed, and in true Rockstar style, you’ll get rewarded plenty of great ingame content! Below you have descriptions of all the great goods you’ll receive as a thank you, taken… [read more]
With less than one month to go until the release of the Playstation 4 and Xbox One versions of GTA V, (and later in January for PC) We’ve asked ourselves on the potential buyers behalf; Is it worth getting the enhanced, new version of the game? Or are the differences too small for me… [read more]
Well it’s Video Wednesday, and as always, someone’s been influenced by the anatomy of that sexy game GTA, and all of its sumptuous franchise. So lady’s and Gents I present to you… A silly live action short based on GTA, but clearly not the normal protagonist genre. GRAND THEFT AUTO – LOS ANGELES
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With a week to go to the launch of GTA V, watch this video and share it with all of your friends and family. Everybody should be this happy when it comes to GTA! GTA V – The Musical Thanks to AVByte on YouTube
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With just about a week to go until the highly anticipated release for Grand Theft Auto V, Rockstar Games sent out a batch of new screenshots exclusive to its fansites. RockstarBase received this fine screenshot: Cheers Rockstar! Other fansites to receive a screenshot include RockstarTurk, GTAV.net, GTA-Series.com, TheGTAPlace.com and many more. Check them all out… [read more]
As promised, Rockstar released the official trailer for #GTAV, giving us new insights into the storyline of the game, enjoy!
Rockstar have just revealed via their newswire that we’ll get a brand new trailer this thursday. They’ve chosen not to name it after a phrase said in the trailer, nor a number (as we are used to), but instead call it “The Official Trailer” which seems to be some kind of a big spectacular video… [read more]
Rockstar has teased us by announcing that the multiplayer part of GTA V (And also what I believe, a separate, own multiplayer platform that’ll be kept going inbetween GTA games) will be shown this thursday, august 15th. With the announcement, the official logo was also revealed as seen above. We’ll see a gameplay video and previews… [read more]
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