Music Monday – Bass Drum Of Death

By / April 14, 2014 / Music, News

artworks-t500x500The roots of  Bass Drum of Death were formed from a gritty small town in sleepy Oxford, Mississippi. Sleepy towns as they go are usually uneventful.. Atleast most are, until you get a black sheep that wants to play his drum to a different beat.

The band was started somewhat as a solo project by John Barrett until 2008.. He played a guitar and bass drum for his first album. But you can’t always go it alone. We kept digging for some addition details, but we only found that he had a former member Colin Sneed, and then was joined by Len Clark later.  Innovative Leisure Records is the bands home label and by it’s name, Innovative Leisure eludes to a feel that they’ll get to it when they want. All while sipping a fine cold glass of southern  home-made lemon aid, spiked with a little vodka. Or no Lemon aid at all.. At least that the imagery I get, since I’ve been south, and it’s like that down there. Their music is a sensory conflict of a garage rock and Memphis with a gritty punk style that reaches back into the roots of an 80’s garage genre. It’s a sound that became a launching board for many artists into a culture of depravity, endless debauchery followed up with long bouts of travel and full days of sleep…… Yes, sleep! It’s what a band has to do when keeping the hours of wicked nights of playing for thirsty people. Of course the sleepy little town closes up the bars at Midnight.. So what else is a band to do, when its wanting to be heard past 12am.. Go on Tour of course!  Most bands grow out of the garage phase of their beginnings, and evolve as they become more popular. Where as BDoD seems to thrive on just by being themselves, and not changing much at all.

Their Music is loud, gritty and triumphant. It pulls you in, even if it’s got a dirty amp and singing into sock covered reverb level mic sound. John’s vocals are loud, hard and screaming out to be heard by anyone that will listen.. And people are listening. So from this sleepy little town they’ve taken flight to spread their musically wings, and share a sound people are enjoying. They have toured much larger less-sleepy cities. Like Chicago, IL –  Brooklyn, NY – Boston, MA – St Louis, Mo – Washington, DC – Paris, France – and many more places in Europe that will let them through the doors! ‘Let them in Mother F*^kers!’ …

BDoD has plans for events this year in the following cities. Including my home town Chicago. They’ll be at a large event called Do-division Street Fest, on May 31st 2014 – They’ll also be at the  Royal Canadian Legion, Calgary, AB, Canada June 18th 2014 – and ripping up Broken City, Calgary, AB, Canada, June 21st 2014.

VinewoodBoulevardRadio-GTAVI’m pretty sure a large populous was exposed to BDoD though the radio stations in GTA V. Their song “Crawling After You” is featured on the “Vine Wood Radio” station. You can listen to the track just below. Along with some other cool tracks, and risqué video by them called “Bad Reputation”  So check ’em out, enjoy and support the band if you love their vibe!

William Street Recordings (ADULT SWIM)

Like Free Music ? The Adult Swim Folks on Cartoon Network Hand out free music from time to time, and this really cool Track from BDOD really rocks! It was released May 6th, 2013. [ Flying Lotus is connected to adult Swim too  [ Read our post on that – HERE ]

LIVE @ Shea Stadium, Brooklyn, NY


Get Found Live – Dallas Texas


Stain Stick Skin EP (2008)
High School Roaches EP (2010)
GB City (2011)
Bass Drum of Death (2013) 

 FOLLOW THE BEAT OF THE DRUM – @bassdrumofdeath

Bass Drum Of Death Music Available on iTunes

About Author

Chicago Enigma

Rockstar Games Fan since GTA2 .. Following, playing and participating in the community since 2008.

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