By / May 21, 2015 / Music, News

There’s so much to enjoy in GTA V, the biggest part of the game for me has always been the Music. It completes every bit of the game, especially when you tie it into your in-game driving. But there’s always a few tracks that keep you in your car, and you either feverishly trying to avoid the mission, or you try to keep from being killed by online psychopaths that feel the need to blow up every possible player near them.. Thus the urge to go Passive Mode kicks in, or avoid that Heist invite..

A While back we did a piece on Goose for our Music Monday edition. Our Music Monday Articles, ussually provide a pretty decent amont of information about Bands from GTA V’s music line up. We taken a  bit of hiatus from doing the Music Mondays. Due to a number of things limiting time. But I and the rest of our site members do this for fun, we do this for the Music of GTA and the bands that have stand out music in GTA Titles.. But Most of all we do this for the fans, and when the  Bands are fans of  Rockstar Games Titles. We’ll that just puts the candle in our cake! Goose was gracious enough to be another band that granted us a fantastic interview. If you’ve not yet read the Music Monday – Goose article, we recommend you do after this interview. So without further ado, Laten we beginnen!  – Dutch  to English –  Let’s get started!

RSN | Q1 | The Range of your music talents is what some would say is  Punk, indie, glam rock level, electro and synth/trance like with some Rock influences. With that much of a range, do you think you’ll ever settle into a particular class of music? Or would you just say that’s how you like it, and “that’s just how we roll!”

GOOSE | A1 | Yes, is true that it is hard to put a stamp on the GOOSE sound. We have been described as New Rave with our debut album Bring it on, then we were an electro rock band, with Synrise and Control. We used to joke about it and came up with a new genre to define our sound:  ‘RANCE’, Rock and Dance.  We are inspired by both worlds so we’ll always have those influences in our music. Bands like Ratatat and Trans Am have proven that these ingredients work perfectly together.


RSN | Q2 | Taking a guess here, but chances are you fill in some free-time playing video games. We’re not going to hold your opinion to the fire if you tell us you like other games.. But what’s your all-time favorite video game and why?

GOOSE | A2 | We have a history being Gran Turismo addicts. We use to play that game 24/7 for weeks. We all started as amateurs, but after long nights of playing we started to be quite the pro’s 🙂   When I was a kid I was hooked on Sonic and Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker game on Sega 16bit Megadrive. I still have the console, as a part of my child hood reliquie.

RSN | Q3 | Inspiration! What drives that beat, track and synth sound you guys build a track from!

GOOSE | A3 | Our live audience is always in our mind. We are as close to them as finish tacks. like Bring it on, Synrise and Control, It’s all about energy and taking the audience and the listener on a trip. But it’s not all about effects and build ups. These days you find enough of that in the charts. We want to bring musicality and songs to the table. Songs that make you feel something and that are performed by humans, not machines.


RSN | Q4 | Niko, Roman Bellic & Luis Lopez or Michael, Franklin and Trevor! If you had to choose, would you choose wisely, or put them into a “To the death” Vs match!!

GOOSE | A4 |Let’s go for Michael, Franklin and Trevor. Although Niko and his gang live the rough streets of Liberty City, Michael, Franklin and Trevor have the weapons, money and guts to bring down any gangster. Plus the LS weather is a great bonus of course!


These are not the Protagonists you’re looking for!

RSN | Q5 | With “Your Ways” being the last single since 2013. Are there any projects on the plate for 2015?

GOOSE | A5 |Of course! right in the middle of it. We’ve been traveling between Los Angeles and Belgium for the last 6 months to write songs for the new album. We are working with so many talented people on this album, we can’t wait to start sharing!! More info on release can be expected after the summer.


RSN | Q6 |  What was the most fluid song you guys put together. As in went together like bread and butter without any setbacks!

GOOSE | A6 |  That’s probably Black Gloves. That track was there very quickly, it just needed one more hook, then we picked up a mic a screamed: “Hey-Wow”. Done.

RSN | Q7 |  Venues and show experiences vary with every band. What would you say the best show was that you’ve performed, and the most unique show in the past few years.

GOOSE | A7 |  We had the honor to close a couple of stages the last couple of years, but being the closing act in your home country gives you an extra special feeling. In 2013 we headlined the MainStage of Pukklepop in front of 40.000 people. When I think about it now it seems like a dream. I hardly have memories of that show, because of the excitement I lived in the moment. And when it was over, it was over, gone, vanished,… like a dream.

RSN | Q8 |  What’s it like to work with industry respected Artists and producers that see great promise you? Do you feel pressured to perform, or do feel relaxed and ready to get to it!

GOOSE | A8|  We are relaxed most of the time. As we are a band consisting of 4 best friends it is hard for an outsider to break in. It’s like a shield in a way. That doesn’t mean we can’t get excited about it, but we stay down to earth and realize they are only human too.  With the years passing by the music industry does loses a bit of its magic I must say. It’s both a good and a bad thing, but sometimes I wish I could see the world through my naive eyes from when we first started.


RSN | Q9 |  With 15 years of experience, what’s been the best advice so far you’ve been given, and feel it’s been of great benefit to where it’s brought you today!

GOOSE | A9 |  “Do it yourself” advice from 2ManyDj’s/Soulwax Dave and Stephen Dewaele. Even after all those years later they keep repeating it. In fact they are really good at giving you an ego boost when you need it the most. Which for us is in between albums 🙂

RSN | Q10 |   Pizza… where have you had the greatest pizza on earth!

GOOSE | A10 |  In Paris, Pizza Chic in Saint Germain des Prés. Run by young Italians and somehow they manage to make better pizza than in Italy !


RSN | Q11 | Reactions… I’m sure many want to know what it was like to hear your own music coming from GTA V’s Radio Stations. How exciting was it to even learn that it was making it into a massively popular game series!

GOOSE | A11 | To be honest we didn’t expect it to have such a big impact. We knew it was a big thing, but we never thought it would mean so much to a lot of people. You can easily get lost in a game like GTA that features so much music. But somehow Synrise stood out and we won so many new fans because of it. A very grateful band stands before you!


RSN | Q12 |  What’s your favorite game mode in GTA V?  Story Mode? Freemode, Other?

GOOSE | A12 |  Definitely story mode. GTA online brought us some incredible new game modes to this classic series, making it finally possible to play in multiplayer mode with your friends, and the vast amount of jobs, missions and specials that are available online, make the game even more interesting. But when you finish story mode, there’s nothing like roaming the streets of Los Santos and starting random mayhem at any location and any time you find suitable. Or you can just drive your classic sportscar into the dessert, respect the speed limit and stop for crossing coyotes. Or you can do a bit of both. Being able to choose who you are going to be in the game, is what makes story mode so great.

As always, we have great respect for the time taken by GOOSE to answer our questions. It’s been an honor gentlemen, we can’t wait to hear your new music! Plus, I’m really curious about that Pizza now.. Since Chic is pretty close to the name of the City of Chicago, and we have great pizza here too. 😉

Chicago Enigma


Check out more about Goose


Goose is a Belgian electro rock band consisting of members Mickael Karkousse, Dave Martijn, Tom Coghe, and Bert Libeert.

About Author

Chicago Enigma

Rockstar Games Fan since GTA2 .. Following, playing and participating in the community since 2008.

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